Travel and Accommodation Subsidy - Online Application

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 Apply for a Travel & Accommodation Subsidy Online

SCHOOL-BASED apprentices/trainees: Your Travel and Accommodation application forms are available from your school or the Education Queensland website. You cannot lodge a claim through this site.

The Department of Trade, Employment and Training provides travel and accommodation subsidies to eligible apprentices and trainees to assist in meeting the additional costs associated with attending your training provider.

To be eligible, you must meet the following criteria:

  • You must be attending the closest training provider campus that delivers the course of instruction for your particular training program. You can find out which training organisations deliver the apprenticeship or traineeship qualification that you are undertaking by visiting the Queensland Training Information Service (QTIS) website.

  • You must travel 50 kilometres or more one way by the most direct route from your usual place of residence to attend your closest training provider campus. Your usual place of residence may not be a home address if you usually live away from home to attend work (e.g. if you live in a mining camp for work purposes).

  • You must lodge an application within six months of the completion date of the training block or attendance period being claimed for.

You can use this site to lodge an application for all types of travel and accommodation subsidy including air travel and advance claims.

If you have a completed paper-based claim form and it is signed by your training organisation, you can attach it to your application via this site for a faster payment. If you submit your application after attending training without attaching a completed form, the department will verify your attendance details directly with your training organisation and calculate your claim entitlements. Most eligible claims will be paid within 28 days.

Please ensure you have read and understood the Travel and Accommodation Allowance: Policy Statement and Guidelines before submitting your claim form.

I have read, understood and agree to the Travel and Accommodation Allowance: Policy Statement and Guidelines and the Privacy Statement (Please note: You cannot submit your claim unless you agree to the Conditions).

Disclaimer — The Department of Trade, Employment and Training (DTET) is collecting the information on this application to assess your eligibility for the Apprenticeship and Traineeship Travel and Accommodation Subsidy. Information collected on this application may also be used by DTET for generating statistics on the Apprenticeship and Traineeship Travel and Accommodation Subsidy. Where the personal details provided, such as address, differ from the details already held by DTET this information will update the personal details listed in DTET’s records. The information will only be accessed by authorised employees or contractors within DTET. Some of the information provided in your application will be given to the registered training organisation nominated in your application to verify your attendance at training. Information may also be provided to your employer for the purpose of verifying aspects of the claim. DTET will only use your information for these purposes. Your personal information will be handled in accordance with the Information Privacy Act 2009 and will not otherwise be used or disclosed unless authorised or required by law.

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